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Notes specific to vital dataStandardAcademic

This chapter explains the basics of analyzing vital data generated by non-medical wellness devices such as JINS MEME and fitness trackers.

Features of each sensor

If you are considering using JINS MEME data(EOG), you may find that you can obtain indicators that cannot be obtained with other devices, but compared to other data, each has the characteristics shown in the table below.

IndicatorAcquisition DeviceSignal IntensitySignal CharacteristicsVariation PeriodReflected Biological PhenomenaAcquisition Rate(Static)Acquisition Rate(Active)
Heart rate (HR)LED + light intensity sensorWeakperiodic5-10 secondsexercise intensity, tension, etc.95%70%
HRV(HRV,PPI,LF/HF)LED+light sensorWeakState5-10 sectension, stress, etc.80%0%
HRV(HRV,RRI,LF/HF)Amplifier + Potential SensorMediumState5-10 secTension, Stress, etc.99%85%
ECGAmplifier + Potential SensorMediumState0.01-1 sec (within 1 beat)Determination of Heart Disease99%0-10%
PedometerAccelerometerStrongstate0.3-0.5 secNumber of steps, calories burned99%99%
Activity intensityAccelerometerStrongState1-2 secondsActivity, calories expended99%99%
EOGAmplifier + Potential sensorWeakState1-2 secondsConcentration, arousal, etc.90-95%0-10%
EEGAmplifier + Potential SensorVery weakState1-2 secondsRelative brain activity evaluation70%0%

*These are reference values for acquisition rates.

The familiar indicators are the heart rate and pedometer, both of which have a characteristic that their accuracy hardly drops even static or active, and this is due to either of the following features.

  • The signal itself is strong, so the data is not blurred even if there is some noise (pedometer)
  • The signal itself is weak, but the signal is periodic, so data loss can be recovered through approaches such as Fourier transform (heart rate)

For example, LED heart rate variability measurement uses the same mechanism as heart rate but misses peaks due to slight noise, making stable measurement difficult. This is a more difficult task.

EEG is commonly used to monitor mental status, but it is not an easy sensor to use because it takes time to adjust before starting measurement and the signal is very weak and is canceled by EMG and EOG depending on the position of the sensor.

EOG is easy to use to obtain state of mental activity at rest. However, even at rest, there are durations where data cannot be obtained due to reapplication of glasses, chewing, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to assume a certain amount of missing data when analysis.

JINS MEME Indicators and Robustness

The following table shows the intermediate indices acquired by the EOG and their robustness.

Intermediate indicesIndicator sampleRobustness(1: Weak....5: Strong)
Average blink strengthTension, arousal3
Standard deviation of blink strengthStability3
Average blink speed*Weak arousal/Sleepiness3
Standard deviation of blink speed--3
Mean of blink frequency and intervalImmersion2
Number of eye movements (vertical)Vitality1
Number of eye movement (horizontal)Vitality, attention4

*A simple average is currently used for the blink interval, but may be switched to a weighted average in the future.

The blink frequency and interval data is greatly affected when data is missing due to noise, etc. Although JINS MEME data is processed to leave only clean intervals, the robustness of the data is lower than other data. In addition, blink and eye movement (vertical) judgments may be less accurate due to (1) the electrode between the eyebrows floating depending on the state of spectacle wear and (2) false negative and false positive judgments between blink and eye movement (vertical) because the vertical signal is classified.

The following table shows the indicators acquired by the 6-axis motion sensor and their robustness.

Indicator nameRobustness(1: Weak....5: Strong)
Walking Vibration4
Head movement (non-walking)4
Maximal Landing Strength4
Left/Right Foot Judgment2
Average of Posture Angle5
Standard deviation of posture angle5

Data from the 6-axis motion sensor can basically be used full time and can be used as is through a filter that confirms minimal wear.

Difficulty of building a new analytical framework

Generally, it is difficult to create a new framework other than the currently provided indicators, for example, to realize a classification (e.g., classify emotions into four categories: joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure) using biometric sensor data, due to the number of data channels, resolution, and lack of accuracy. Therefore, it is often easier to obtain results by reducing the evaluation to a one-dimensional evaluation (evaluating whether the degree of enjoyment is strong or weak) by narrowing down the conditions depending on the scene.

The following is a list of assumed difficulty levels for each analysis framework, which is completely subjective.

FrameworkDifficulty(1: Difficult...5: Easy)
Classification of Movement2
Physical Activity Intensity Indexing4
Classification of mental activity such as emotion1
Classification of mental activity intensity such as immersion3

JINS MEME™ Platform