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User InterfaceAcademic

Acquire Data window

1Settings(S)Displays the Settings window (described later).
(* Disabled during dongle communication.)
2Version(V)Displays the Version Information window.
3Switch tabSwitches between the Acquire Sensor Data tab and the Review Sensor Data tab.
4Status barBattery LevelDisplays the five step battery level of the measuring instrument during measurement.
MEME VersionDisplays the version information of the connected JINS MEME ES_R.
Dongle VersionDisplays the version information of the connected dongle.
Success rateDisplays the data acquisition rate from the start of the measurement.
CommunicationDisplays the data acquisition rate for the last 200m seconds.
5Graph type settingSets the type of graph to display. Select one of the following types from the combo box and click the [Apply] button to apply to the graph.
HideHide the graph.
AccelerometerDisplay the accelerometer sensor values.
GyroscopeDisplay the gyroscope sensor values.
ElectrooculographyDisplay the electrooculography sensor values.
6-1GraphsDisplays the graphs. Use the mouse to zoom or scroll while the measurement is stopped.
ZoomLeft click the mouse on the graph and use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
ScrollLeft click the mouse on the graph and drag the mouse to scroll.
Legend data selection
Displays/hides legend data graph.
CheckedDisplay the graph.
UncheckedHide the graph.
7Dongle connectionConnects the dongle.
Scan PortScan for the dongle port.
COmbo boxDisplay and select from the dongle port list.
Connect/CloseConnect/disconnect the dongle.
8JINS MEME ES_R connectionConnect the JINS MEME ES_R.
Scan DeviceScan for the JINS MEME ES_R.
Combo boxDisplay and select the JINS MEME ES_R list.
Connect/DisconnectConnect/disconnect the JINS MEME ES_R.
The connection status appears in [Status]
9Data Acquisition ControlSets and controls the measuring instrument.
※No graph is drawn when Quaternion is selected.The measurement mode can be selected.
InitializeInitialize the measuring range and communication speed setting.
Select ModeSelect the measurement mode.
The operating sensor and sampling frequency in each mode are as follows:
Full modeElectrooculography sensor100Hz
Accelerometer sensor100Hz
Gyroscope sensor100Hz
StandardmodeElectrooculography sensor200Hz
Accelerometer sensor100Hz
Transmission SpeedSelect the Bluetooth communication speed between the JINS MEME ES_R and the dongle. Select 100Hz or 50Hz. 50Hz enables more stable data acquisition.
Measurement range of AccelerometerSelect the accelerometer sensor measurement range: ±2, ±4, ±8, or ±16g.
Measurement range of GyroscopeSelect the gyroscope sensor range: ±250, ±500, ±1000, or ±2000.
Start Measurement
/ Stop Measurement
Instruct the JINS MEME ES_R to start/stop measurement. The acquired data is stored in the following location: "\ Documents\JINS\MEMEacademic\SensorData" Refer to section [TCP Socket Communication Receive Format] for the content of the recorded data.
Free MarkingAdd artifacts to the measurement data. “x” will be entered in the Column A of the csv file containing the measurement data.
10TCP Socket communicationDisplays the TCP socket communication status.
IP addressIP address for the TCP socket communication.
PortPort number for the TCP socket communication.
StatusDisplays the status of the TCP sockect communication.

Review Data window (Only for Windows App)

1Settings(S)Displays the Settings windows(described later).
(※Disabled during dongle communication.)
2Version(V)Displays the Version Information windows.
3Switch tabSwitches between the Acquire Sensor Data tab and the Review Sensor Data tab.
4Status barBattery LevelDisplays the five step battery level of the measuring instrument during measurement.
MEME VersionDisplays the version information of the connected JINS MEME ES_R.
Dongle VersionDisplays the version information of the connected dongle.
5Graph type settingSets the type of graph to be displayed.Select one of the following types from the combo box and click the [Apply] button to apply to the graph.
HideHide the graph.
AccelerometerDisplay the accelerometer sensor values.
GyroscopeDisplay the gyroscope sensor values.
ElectrooculographyDisplay the electrooculography sensor values.
6-1GraphsDisplays the graphs.Use the mouse to zoom or scroll while measurement is stopped.
ZoomLeft click the mouse on the graph and use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
ScrollLeft click the mouse on the graph and drag the mouse to scroll.
Legend data selection
Displays/hides the legend data graph.
CheckedDisplay the graph.
UncheckedHide the graph.
7Acquire/Select FileAcquires and displays a list of files containing measurement data.(※Disabled during dongle communication.)
Previous files with measurement dataDisplays a list of acquired file names.
Set data folderDisplays a dialog box to specify the file acquisition destination folder.
8Selected file informationDisplays information of the file selected from the file list.
Data modeDisplays the measurement mode.
Transmission SpeedDisplays the Bluetooth communication speed between the JINS MEME ES_R and the dongle.
Accelerometer sensor's rangeDisplays the accelerometer sensor measurement range.
Gyroscope sensor's rangeDisplays the gyroscope sensor measurement range.
FromDisplays the date and time (GMT) the measurement is started.
ToDisplays the date and time (GMT) the measurement is stopped.
9File reviewReviews the selected file.
Replay SpeedSet the dynamic review replay speed.
StartStart the dynamic review.
Pause/ResumePause or resume the dynamic review.
StopStop the dynamic review.
Plot the DataClick the [Start] button and then the [Plot the Data] button to batch load the file data anad display statically.

Settings window

1Sensor Data
Save folder
Specifies the folder in which to save the sensor data.
BrowseDisplay the folder selection dialog and specify the save destination.
Open FolderOpen the save destination folder in Explorer.
DC offset
Specifies the offset to display the acceleration sensor data as graph.
The sensor raw data will be saved as a file.(offset is excluded)
X-AxisSpecify the X-axis offset.
Y-AxisSpecify the Y-axis offset.
Z-AxisSpecify the Z-axis offset.
3Show save fiel dialogDisplays/hides Change Save FIle Name dialog when the measurement is complete.
CheckedDisplay the Change Save File Name dialog.
UncheckedHide the Change Save File Name dialog.
The default name is used.([BLT-address]_[record start datetime].csv)
4TCP socket communicationEnable/disable TCP socket communication.
Refer to section [TCP Socket communication Receive Format] for the content of the recorded data.
CheckedEnable TCP socket communication and setting of IP address and Port number.
UncheckedDisable TCP socket communication.
5Apply/CancelSaves or cancels the parameters specified in this window.

JINS MEME™ Platform