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Measurement flowAcademic


The following two types of communication with JINS MEME ES_R can be selected. If the connection was not stable with BLE, try a connection via USB dongle.

BLEReceive data directly via Bluetooth on the android deviceCommunication may not be stable depending on the android device.
USBReceive data via dongleUSB must be plugged in and unplugged at a specific timing.

Prepare for direct connection (BLE)

To use Bluetooth on the device, tap USE BLE to complete the process.

Prepare for dongle connection (USB)

  1. Tap USE USB
  2. Display the main screen and insert the dongle in the USB connector of the Android device.
    • A dialog to check the dongle connection appears(①).
    • Tip Since the chip is supported by the Android standard, no driver installation is required.
  3. Tap OK.
  4. Tap OPEN
    • Communication with the dongle is established. When the inserted dongle becomes available, a screen indicating that the dongle is connected appears(②).


Connecting with the JINS MEME ES_R

  1. Check that the screen indicates that scanning is ready and tap Scan Device.
    • A scan for JINS MEME ES_R will be started, which will continue for approximately 6 seconds.
    • If one or more JINS MEME ES_Rs are found, the ID of the found JINS MEME ES_R is displayed in the device list.
    • If no JINS MEME ES_R is found, the screen will return to the upper right.
    • It may not be found at the first time, so please retry at that time.
  2. Select the JINS MEME ES_R to connect and tap Connect.
    • Tap while the screen is showing the image at right.
    • The screen at right appears when connection is completed.



Start measurement

  1. Specify the select mode, Transmission speed, Measurement range of Accelerometer, and Measurement range of Gyroscope, and tap START MEASUREMENT. The Confirm Start of Measurement screen appears.
  2. Tap OK, then measurement data is sent from the JINS MEME ES_R and saved.
  3. Tap each (TYPE) GRAPH DISABLED to see the data in a grap, then the display changes to (TYPE) GRAPH ENABLED. The graphs that can be displayed depend on the mode.
    • Standard: EOG, ACC
    • Full: EOG, ACC, GYRO
    • Quartanion: None

Start measurement

Stop Measurement

  • Tap STOP MEASUREMENT during measurement.
    • The confirm stop Measurement screen appears.
  • Tap OK.
    • Measurement values from the JINS MEME ES_R are saved.
    • Data save destination: /$TOP/JINS/MEME_academic (Depending on the device, $TOP is expressed differently, such as Downloads, internal storage, sdcard, etc.)

Stop Measurement


  1. Tap Disconnect while measurement with the JINS MEME ES_R is stopped.
    • Tap Disconnect while the screen is showing the image at right (JINS MEME ES_R connection status is [Connected]).
  2. The screen at below appears when communication is disconnected.
  3. (Only when using a dongle) When the software is terminated, the connected dongle is disconnected. Unplug the dongle from the USB connector.


JINS MEME™ Platform