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Model Type

  • Standardcan acquire data with semantics within JINS MEME or within the application, and is suitable for general experimental use.
  • Academic(ES-R) can capture raw data from EOG and 6-axis sensors with fine granularity. It supports acquisition of all data types at a maximum of 100 Hz and EOG at 200 Hz.
  • We do not provide a tool to convert Academic Edition data to Standard Edition data.

Supported software and obtainable data

ModelFrequencySoftware and OS
Once per 60s

Data typesStandard

For more information, please click here.

Data typeNameExamples of indices
20Hz datarealtime data, currentDataBlink event, eye movement, acceleration, angle
15s-interval datalogicIndexDataConcentration, calm, tension, awakeness, number of steps,, posture angle (forward/backward, left/right), gait vibration (X/Y/Z), blink statistical indices (H/W, Mean/Sd)
60s-interval datastandard data, summaryDataNumber of steps, posture angle (forward/backward, left/right), gait vibration (X/Y/Z), blink statistical index (H/W, Mean/Sd)
15s-interval triggertriggerEventThreshold for 15-second interval data
(Ex: Concentrated data, >60 pt at 50% weighted average, minimum notification interval 120s)
High-speed head movement datafastHeadMotionEvents when the face is turned vertically or horizontally
Low-speed head movement dataslowHeadRotation, slowHeadTiltingSlow head turning or tilt events

Data typesAcademic

For more information, please click here.

Data typeIndices
Standard Mode dataEOG potential, accelerations(2data / line)
Full Mode dataEOG potential, accelerations, angular velocity
Quaternion dataQuaternion


BatteryBuilt-in rechargeable Lithium ion battery
Charging TimeApprox. 2.5h
Usage Time- Active mode(w/o Gyro): Max 24h
- Active mode(w/ Gyro): Max 12h
- Sleep mode: Approx. 2 weeks
WeightApprox. 32g (UV cut lens without power)
Sensor· 3-point electrooculography sensor(Resolusion: 12bit, Ideal: 2.5mV)
· 3-axis accelerometer sensor
· 3-axis gyro (angular) sensor
Data communication· Wireless communication via Bluetooth Low Energy
Charging terminalMicro USB端
Use environmental conditions· Temperature: 0 to 40°C
· Humidity: 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)
BatteryBuilt-in rechargeable Lithium ion battery
Charging TimeApprox. 2.5h
Usage Time- Quartanion mode: Approx. 9h
- Full mode: Approx. 11h
- Standard mode: Approx. 15h
WeightApprox. 32g (UV cut lens without power)
Sensor· 3-point electrooculography sensor(Resolusion: 12bit, Ideal: 2.5mV)
· 3-axis accelerometer sensor
· 3-axis gyro (angular) sensor
Data communication· Wireless communication via Bluetooth Low Energy
Charging terminalMicro USB端
Use environmental conditions· Temperature: 0 to 40°C
· Humidity: 10 to 90% RH (non-condensing)

Contact for purchase, warranty and after-sales service

  • Please contact your dealer or JINS MEME Customer Support Center (The JINS store does not support this service).
  • Warranty and after-sales service is one year from purchase.

JINS MEME™ Platform