Data definition
Axis Definition of Motion Indicators
Regarding the angle, drift (value changes at a constant rate) and hump (small bumps in the value) occur due to the characteristics of the sensor.
Static and Gait indicators
- Among the data that can be measured by JINS MEME, the Static indicator is an indicator that is valid only when there is no walking, touching the glasses with the hands, chewing, etc. When data is measured under conditions other than those mentioned above, it may be detected as a noise flag, output inaccurate values, or not detected. Please note that when measurement is made under conditions other than those mentioned above, it may be detected as a noise flag, output inaccurate values, or not be detected. summaryData is cleansed to remove any suspicious signals.
- The Gait indicator in the data that can be measured by JINS MEME is the data that can be obtained while walking. Please note that JINS MEME cannot accurately measure vibration and movement patterns other than walking.
20Hz data(currentData)
Data can be acquired at approximately 20 Hz. This mode is suitable for immediate acquisition and analysis of precise data such as controller. This data is generated only when JINS MEME and a smartphone are connected via Bluetooth.
iOS/Android/Nodejs/Logger | Type(iOS/Android) | Type(Nodejs) | Description | Value Range |
blinkSpeed Static | Int | Number | Blink speed, eye closing time(mSec) | 0-400(ordinary 90−180) |
blinkStrength Static | Int | Number | Blink strength(uV-equiv) | 0-1000(ordinary30−150) |
eyeMoveUp Static | Int | Number | Event when the eye moves up. | 0: none 1: min-7: max |
eyeMoveDown Static | Int | Number | Event when the eye moves down. | 0: none 1: min-7: max |
eyeMoveLeft Static | Int | Number | Event when the eye moves left. | 0: none 1: min-7: max |
eyeMoveRight Static | Int | Number | Event when the eye moves right. | 0: none 1: min-7: max |
roll | Float | Number | Degrees indicating the roll component (left-right tilt) of the attitude angle | -180.00 - 180.00 |
pitch | Float | Number | Degrees indicating the pitch component (fore-back tilt) of the attitude angle | -180.00 - 180.00 |
yaw | Float | Number | Degrees indicating the yaw component (horizontal rotation) of the attitude angle | 0.00 - 360.00 |
accX | Float | Number | X-axis component of acceleration (left/right)、1G=16 | -128(-8G) - 127(7.9375G) |
accY | Float | Number | Y-axis component of acceleration (fore/back)、1G=16 | -128(-8G) - 127(7.9375G) |
accZ | Float | Number | Z-axis component of acceleration (up/down)、1G=16 | -128(-8G) - 127(7.9375G) |
walking(isWalking) Gait | boolean | Number | Detection of one step when heel touches the ground (flagged 0.15~0.25s after detection) | 0/false: no step 1/true: step |
noiseStatus | boolean | Number | Integer value representing the noise condition of the electrode | 0/false: low noise 1/true: high noise |
fitError | Int | Number | JINS MEME is actually worn or not, determined once every 5 seconds by movement | 0: worn 1: not worn |
powerLeft | Int | Number | Integer value representing remaining battery capacity | 0: In charging 1: Empty-5: Full |
sequenceNumber(seqNo) | Int | Number | Circulant sequential integer from 0-255 | 0-255 |
※Nodejs will be nodejs-sdk Type (in nodejs, boolean is an integer value due to internal structure issues).
15-second interval data (logicIndexData)
The 15-second interval data is the most granular data that outputs biometric indicators. This data is generated only when JINS MEME and a smartphone are connected via Bluetooth. ※”When running sub-applications”, “Normalized”, “sub-index” and “RT algorithm in operation” may not be recorded.
Logger | API | Type(API/CSV) | Description | Value Range |
date | date | String | measurement date | 2000-01-01T00:00:00 - 2099-12-31T23:59:59 |
stepCount Gait | stp | Number(int) | Step count | 0-255 |
stepCadence Gait | cad | Number(float) | Cadence(pitch) | 0-255 |
isStill | isl | Boolean / Number(int) | Still (not wearing) judgment | true: not wearing (still) false: wearing (not still) |
noiseTime | nis_time | Number(float) | noise time | 0.00 - 15.00 |
isValid | vld | Boolean / Number(int) | Data validity at rest (noise less than 3 seconds and steps less than 5) | true: valid false: invalid |
xMean | tl_xav | Number(float) | Mean tilt X (degree) | -180.00-180.00 |
xSD | tl_xsd | Number(float) | Standard deviation of tilt X (degree) | 0-655.36 |
YMean | tl_yav | Number(float) | Mean tilt Y (degree) | -180.00-180.00 |
ySD | tl_ysd | Number(float) | Standard deviation of tilt Y (degree) | 0-655.36 |
pitchOnewayCount | hm_po | Number(int) | Number of neck flips (back-forth) | 0-255 |
pitchRoundCount | hm_pr | Number(int) | Number of slow neck flips (back-forth) | 0-255 |
yawOnewayCount | hm_yo | Number(int) | Number of neck flips (right-left) | 0-255 |
yawRoundCount | hm_yr | Number(int) | Number of slow neck flips (right-left) | 0-255 |
xRightStepAmplitude Gait | sa_xr | Number(float) | Walking vibration X(cm,right foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
xLeftStepAmplitude Gait | sa_xl | Number(float) | Walking vibration X(cm,left foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
yRightStepAmplitude Gait | sa_yr | Number(float) | Walking vibration Y(cm,right foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
yLeftStepAmplitude Gait | sa_yl | Number(float) | Walking vibration Y(cm,left foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
zRightStepAmplitude Gait | sa_zr | Number(float) | Walking vibration Z(cm,right foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
zLeftStepAmplitude Gait | sa_zl | Number(float) | Walking vibration Z(cm,left foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
zLeftStepAmplitudeCal Gait | sa_zrc | Number(float) | Walking vibration Z corrected (cm,right foot) | 0.00-20.00 |
zLeftStepAmplitudeCal Gait | sa_zlc | Number(float) | Walking vibration Z corrected (cm,left foot) | 0.00-20.00 |
maxRightStepAcceleration Gait | st_r | Number(float) | Maximum landing strength average (G, right foot) | 0.00-8.00 |
maxLeftStepAcceleration Gait | st_l | Number(float) | Maximum landing strength average (G, left foot) | 0.00-8.00 |
sleepScoreStandard Static | sc_slp_std | Number(float) | Low wakefulness score (normal), index of “eye trance” based on blink strength/rate and partial blink interval | 0(high wakefulness)-100(sleepy), invalid: -1 |
sleepScore Static | sc_slp | Number(float) | Corrected for low alertness score (when driving) and driving posture (looking straight ahead) | 0 (high wakefulness) -100 (sleepy), Invalid: -1 |
focusScore Static | sc_fcs | Number(float) | Indicates “sustained attention to a task” using immersion score and blink interval | 0(low immersion)-100(high immersion), Inactive: -1 |
tensionScore Static | sc_tsn | Number(float) | Tension score, an index of “eyes wide open” using blink strength | 0(low tension)-100(high tension), Invalid: -1 |
stabilityScore Static | sc_clm | Number(float) | Stability score, an index of “stable state without external or internal stimuli” using blink strength | 0(not calm)-100(calm), Invalid: -1 |
distance | distance | Number(float) | When running sub-applications: distance traveled since last section (m) | 0-5000 |
latitude | lat | Number(float) | When running sub-applications: latitude | -180 - 180 |
longitude | lng | Number(float) | When running sub-applications: longitude | -90 - 90 |
appMeasurementStatus | app_measurement_status | Number(int) | sub-app operation status flag | 0: Non-APP measurement 2: Run measurement in progress 3: Run paused 8: Drive measurement in progress 12: Drive paused 32: Focus measurement 48: Focus paused |
nptMean Static | npt_av | Number(float) | NPT (effective blink rate) average | -0.999 - 0.999 |
nptMedianStatic | npt_med | Number(float) | NPT(Effective blink rate) median | -0.999 - 0.999 |
nptSD Static | npt_sd | Number(float) | NPT standard deviation | 0-0.999 |
blinkWidthMean Static | bkw_av | Number(float) | Blink speed mean(mSec) | 0-300 |
blinkStrengthTotal Static | bkh_sum | Number(float) | Blink strength sum(uV-equiv) | 0-10000.0 |
blinkStrengthMax Static | bkh_max | Number(float) | Blink strength max(uV-equiv) | 0-1000.0 |
blinkStrengthSD Static | bkh_sd | Number(float) | Blink strength sd(uV-equiv) | 0.00-1000.0 |
blinkStrengthMean Static | bkh_av | Number(float) | Blink strength mean | 0-1000.0 |
blinkIntervalTotal Static | bki_sum | Number(float) | Blink interval sum(s) | 0-120.0 |
blinkIntervalCount Static | bki_n | Number(int) | Number of blink interval | 0-120 |
blinkIntervalMean Static | bki_av | Number(float) | Blink interval mean | 0.00-60.00 |
blinkCount Static | bk_n | Number(int) | Number of blink | 0-120 |
blinkCountRaw Static | rbk_n | Number(int) | Number of blink(Raw) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveUpCount Static | re_u | Number(int) | Eye movement count(up, Raw) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveDownCount Static | re_d | Number(int) | Eye movement count(down, Raw) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveRightCount Static | re_r | Number(int) | Eye movement count(right, Raw) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveLeftCount Static | re_l | Number(int) | Eye movement count(Left, Raw) | 0-255 |
cummulativeTime | cum_time | Number(int) | Cumulative normalizing time(s) | 0-4294967296 |
blinkIntervalMeanWA Static | bki_av_wa | Number(float) | Normalized blink interval mean | 0.00-60.00 |
blinkStrengtnSDWA Static | bkh_sd_wa | Number(float) | Normalized blink strength sd | 0.00-1000.0 |
blinkStrengthMeanWA Static | bkh_av_wa | Number(float) | Normalized blink strength mean | 0-1000.0 |
nptMeanWA Static | npt_av_wa | Number(float) | Normalized NPT mean | -0.999 - 0.999 |
nptSDWA Static | npt_sd_wa | Number(float) | Normalized NPT sd | 0-0.999 |
blinkWidthMeanWA Static | bkw_av_wa | Number(float) | Normalized blink speed mean | 0-300 |
nptScore Static | sc_npt | Number(float) | Sleepiness sub-index: NPT score | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
btsScore Static | sc_bts | Number(float) | Sleepiness sub-index: BTS score | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
lbsScore Static | sc_lbs | Number(float) | Sleepiness sub-index: LBS score | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
legacyZone Static | zone | Number(int) | RT algorithm in operation: zone value | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
legacyFocus Static | focus | Number(int) | RT algorithm in operation: focus value | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
legacyCalm Static | calm | Number(int) | RT algorithm in operation: calm value | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
legacyPosture Static | posture | Number(int) | RT algorithm in operation: posture value | 0-100, Invalid: -1 |
cursor | cursor | String | Starting position to retrieve the next record if any. |
60-second interval data (summaryData)
This mode is suitable for monitoring status changes over a long period of time, allowing data to be acquired once per minute.
iOS/Android/Logger | API/Nodejs | Type(API/CSV) | Description | Value Range |
date | N/A | String | 日付 | 1970-01-01T09:00:00 - 2106-02-07T06:28:16 |
N/A | ut | Number(int) | UNIX TIME | 0-4294967296 |
validDuration | val_s | Number(float) | Measuring seconds(s) | 0.00-60.00 |
noiseDuration | nis_s | Number(float) | Electrode nsoise seconds(s) | 0.00-60.00 |
fitDuration | wea_s | Number(float) | Wearing seconds(s) | 0.00-60.00 |
walkingDuration | stp_s | Number(float) | Walking seconds(s) | 0.00-60.00 |
powerLeft | bl | Number(int) | Battery level | 0: In charging 1:Empty-5:Full |
eyeMoveHorizontal Static | ems_rl | Number(int) | Small eye movement count(right, left) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveVertical Static | ems_ud | Number(int) | Small eye movement count(up, down) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveBigHorizontal Static | eml_rl | Number(int) | Large eye movement count(right, left) | 0-255 |
eyeMoveBigVertical Static | eml_ud | Number(int) | Large eye movement count(up, down) | 0-255 |
headMoveVerticalCount | hm_po | Number(int) | Number of neck flips (vertical) | 0-255 |
headMoveHorizontalCount | hm_yo | Number(int) | Number of neck flips (horizontal) | 0-255 |
walkingVibrationRightX Gait | sa_xr | Number(float) | Walking vibration X(cm,right foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
walkingVibrationLeftX Gait | sa_xl | Number(float) | Walking vibration X(cm,left foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
walkingVibrationRightY Gait | sa_yr | Number(float) | Walking vibration Y(cm,right foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
walkingVibrationLeftY Gait | sa_yl | Number(float) | Walking vibration Y(cm,left foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
walkingVibrationRightZ Gait | sa_zr | Number(float) | Walking vibration Z(cm,right foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
walkingVibrationLeftZ Gait | sa_zl | Number(float) | Walking vibration Z(cm,left foot) | 0.00-16.00 |
landingStrengthRightMaxAvg Gait | st_r | Number(float) | Maximum landing strength average (G, right foot) | 0.00-8.00 |
landingStrengthLeftMaxAvg Gait | st_l | Number(float) | Maximum landing strength average (G, left foot) | 0.00-8.00 |
slopeXAvg | tl_xav | Number(float) | Mean tilt X (degree) | -180.00-180.00 |
slopeYAvg | tl_yav | Number(float) | Mean tilt Y (degree) | -180.00-180.00 |
slopeXStd | tl_xsd | Number(float) | Standard deviation of tilt X (degree) | 0-655.36 |
slopeYStd | tl_ysd | Number(float) | Standard deviation of tilt Y (degree) | 0-655.36 |
highSpeedStepsNum Gait | stp_fst | Number(int) | Step count(High 280-370ms) | 0-255 |
middleSpeedStepsNum Gait | stp_mid | Number(int) | Step count(Mid 380-440ms) | 0-255 |
lowSpeedStepsNum Gait | stp_slw | Number(int) | Step count(Low 450-590ms) | 0-255 |
ultraLowSpeedStepsNum Gait | stp_vsl | Number(int) | Step count(Extra-low 600-1000ms) | 0-255 |
nptAvgWeak Static weak cleansing | lc_npt_av | Number(float) | NPT (effective blink rate) average | -0.256 - 0.256 |
weakBlinkSpeedAvg Static weak cleansing | lc_bkw_av | Number(int) | Blink speed mean(mSec) | 50-306 |
weakBlinkSpeedStd Static weak cleansing | lc_bkw_sd | Number(float) | Blink speed sd(mSec) | 0-51.2 |
weakBlinkStrengthAvg Static weak cleansing | lc_bkh_av | Number(int) | Blink strength mean(uV-equiv) | 0-512 |
weakBlinkStrengthStd Static weak cleansing | lc_bkh_sd | Number(float) | Blink strength sd(uV-equiv) | 0-51.2 |
weakBlinkCount Static weak cleansing | lc_bk_n | Number(int) | Number of blink | 0-255 |
weakBlinkSwarmCount Static weak cleansing | lc_bkg_n | Number(int) | Number of times multiple blinks occurred within 1s | 0-255 |
weakBlinkIntervalAvg Static weak cleansing | lc_bki_av | Number(float) | Blink interval mean(s) *RMS average from FW2.2.0 | 0-51.2 |
weakBlinkIntervalCount Static weak cleansing | lc_bki_n | Number(int) | Number of blink interval | 0-255 |
nptAvgStrong Static strong cleansing | sc_npt_av | Number(float) | NPT (effective blink rate) average | -0.256 - 0.256 |
strongBlinkSpeedAvg Static strong cleansing | sc_bkw_av | Number(int) | Blink speed mean(mSec) | 50-306 |
strongBlinkSpeedStd Static strong cleansing | sc_bkw_sd | Number(float) | Blink speed sd(mSec) | 0-51.2 |
strongBlinkStrengthAvg Static strong cleansing | sc_bkh_av | Number(int) | Blink strength mean(uV-equiv) | 0-512 |
strongBlinkStrengthStd Static strong cleansing | sc_bkh_sd | Number(float) | Blink strength sd(uV-equiv) | 0-51.2 |
strongBlinkCount Static strong cleansing | sc_bk_n | Number(int) | Number of blink | 0-255 |
strongBlinkSwarmCount Static strong cleansing | sc_bkg_n | Number(int) | Number of times multiple blinks occurred within 1s | 0-255 |
strongBlinkIntervalAvg Static strong cleansing | sc_bki_av | Number(float) | Blink interval mean(s) *RMS average from FW2.2.0 | 0-51.2 |
strongBlinkIntervalCount Static strong cleansing | sc_bki_n | Number(int) | Number of blink interval | 0-255 |
cursor | cursor | String | Starting position to retrieve the next record if any. | null / (string) |
Fast-speed head movement data(fastHeadMotion)
This event counts the first direction and number of times when the head is turned left, right, up or down in a cycle of about 0.2 to 0.9 seconds. The number of times is counted up when the head moves back and forth in succession, and only the final value is returned when the continuous motion stops. The gyro sensor must be turned on to determine by rotation speed. This data is only generated when JINS MEME and a smartphone are connected via Bluetooth.
Name | Type | Description | Value Range |
date | String | Event occurrence datetime | 1970-01-01 09:00:00 - 2106-02-07 06:28:16 |
type | String | Event Type | fastHeadMotion(fixed value) |
subType | String | direction | right, left, up, down |
value | Number | Number of times (1 for one way) | 1-65535 |
Slow-speed head movement data(Tilt, slowHeadTilting)
This event occurs when the head is tilted from a straight position to the left or right or back and forth at least 45° and maintained for less than 1 second. This data is only generated when JINS MEME and a smartphone are connected via Bluetooth.
Name | Type | Description | Value Range |
date | String | Event occurrence datetime | 1970-01-01 09:00:00 - 2106-02-07 06:28:16 |
type | String | Event Type | slowHeadTilting(fixed value) |
subType | String | direction | right, left, forward, backward |
value | Number | Start/end flag | 1(Transition from straight to tilted) -1(Transition from tilted to straight) |
Slow-speed head movement data(Rotation, slowHeadRotation)
This event is the count of the number of times you make one round every 3-5 seconds while tilting your head at least 45° (start judging from the downward direction in the forward direction). This data is only generated when JINS MEME and a smartphone are connected via Bluetooth.
Name | Type | Description | Value Range |
date | String | Event occurrence datetime | 1970-01-01 09:00:00 - 2106-02-07 06:28:16 |
type | String | Event Type | slowHeadRotation(fixed value) |
subType | String | direction | clockwise, anticlockwise |
value | Number | number of rotations | 1 |